Monday, July 20, 2015

Hello Internet!

Dear Internet,
I am pleased to see that you have found my first blog post. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ryan Stifnell. I'm no more or less ordinary than you sitting there on your computer, I just felt compelled to share my life. Starting a blog has been on my agenda for a few months now and like anything in life, I never got around to it. So when my girlfriend of almost 2 years, Erika, started her own blog that was a pretty big slap in the face.
Don't you hate firsts? I do. When you dream about something that you hope to do for a long time you don't generally only think about your first time, but rather the experience as a whole. Your first day at a job is not what you look forward to when starting a career that you hope to keep for many years; you look forward to the friendships, money (let's be real), and experiences that you'll make. Depending on your outlook on life, that is. When I think about starting a blog I generally think about all of the super cool stuff I'm going to blog about, not the first blog post that will probably be super awkward and full of stuff that I'm just making up on the spot. So, uh, yeah.
Excuse my A.D.D., I'll get back to introducing myself. I am 18 years old and this fall I will be starting my freshman year at Susquehanna University located in good ol' Selinsgrove, PA. I suppose I can't say "good ol'" yet because I've only visited three times. I am majoring in Business Admin and hope to double major with Creative Writing. That's where this whole blog thing comes in. Other than that formal crap, I'm pretty easy going and looking for a ton of adventures in life that I hope to share right here in forms of observations about life, learning about relationships, and ultimately what my own purpose in life is. I'll keep you updated. 
I mentioned my girlfriend Erika earlier. She and I have been dating for practically two years, which for high school students is pretty awesome! She's joining me in my adventure at Susquehanna for the next four years and I'm so happy about that. I hate the stereotype about couples that go to the same college. I can't tell you how many times that Erika and I have been asked what colleges we're going to and when we say that we're going to the same one people seem to have this knee-jerk reaction that's almost a cringe or a very elongated "ohhhhh" with that winky face emoji. What's with that? 
The main reason that Erika and I are going to the same college is because we want to take on this journey together. If you honestly feel something for the person that you're with and are serious about it, why wouldn't you consider it? I'd rather be with her than miss four years of her life hearing about it on the phone, constantly being interrupted by noisy roomates. Either way, Erika is my partner-in-crime, biggest supporter, and best friend. There's nothing greater than that!
Enough cheesy crap. I hope that you, my reader, choose to embark on this journey with me. I can't wait to share what life is like through my eyes, while at the same time gain insight on what others think about life. It's the greatest mystery in the world. I'm ready to uncover it.
Yours Truly,
"Don't let your spirit die before your body does. We're terminal."-Jon Foreman, "Terminal"


  1. As soon as I saw your post on Snapchat, I immediately thought of the note you wrote and gave to me at my grad party and how great and witty you are with words! If this isn't a great way to keep in touch I don't know what is. ��

  2. This is awesome Ryan 😊😊 -dani
