Sunday, September 27, 2015

Inside My Addiction Part 2: Autumn

There are few things in the world that I love more than fall. Nothing gives me as much satisfaction as walking outside with a sweatshirt and jeans and a small, yellowish-brown leaf falling upon my head. I love the chilly air mixed with the smell of hot chocolate. I love going to Starbucks and getting a Cinnamon Chai Tea just to look at the newly designed fall cups. I love cuddling up on a cloudy, brisk day with some Netflix. I love carving pumpkins and Halloween costumes.
Last year on Halloween, some friends and I decided that we would stay in on Halloween and wear pajamas and carve pumpkins together. We made it a sort of contest, splitting into teams and carving Disney characters into these pumpkins. Erika and I were on a team together so we decided that we would carve Aladdin and Jasmine on a pumpkin. It was supposed to look like this:

We tried pretty hard, to be honest. It kinda turned out like this:

For two of the least artistic people I know, not bad. 
Either way, this night was a night that reminded me how much I loved fall. Being with friends, carving pumpkins, being inside on a cold night. I'm probably jumping the gun a little bit here, already talking about Halloween, but I don't really care! I love fall! So in honor of that I have made a top 10 list of some of my favorite things about fall:

Ryan's Top 10 Favorite Fall Stuff (w/Pros and Cons):
1. Sweatshirts- Definitely tops the list as my favorite fall thing. 
Pro: Sweatshirts are the definition of fall. There's nothing like cozying on up in your favorite sweatshirt on a chilly fall day, going to a football game or for a nice walk, because running is overrated. 
Con: Sometimes sweatshirts can be a pain when taking them off. I can't stand it when I'm just trying to take my sweatshirt off and then the rest of my clothes come off at the same time. Also, it can be a bit confusing when you accidentally stick your head in the sleeve when putting a sweatshirt on. 
2. Corn Mazes- 
Pros: Probably one of the most fun things to do in the fall with friends, especially the scary ones. There's nothing more unifying in a friendship than getting lost together in a haunted corn maze, where death lurks in every stalk.
Cons: Just please don't get lost. No one wants to get lost in a corn maze, especially if you have major anxiety or are claustrophobic. Panic attacks are not fun for you or your friend.
3. Starbucks-
Pros: Pretty fall cups, nice warm drinks, real pumpkin in your Pumpkin Spice Latte; can't go wrong.
Cons: Unless you are like me and get too excited to drink your drink and end up burning every tastebud off your tongue for the next week. 
Pros: I capitalize this favorite because who doesn't love a good pumpkin patch?! Common myth has it that pumpkin patches are for little kids. If you think that you've probably just insulted me beyond repair. 
Cons: N/A
5. Netflix-
Pros: Netflix becomes a good deal more attractive in the fall because you don't feel as guilty about staying inside watching shows because now it's cold outside and no longer summer so you have an excuse to stay inside. Not to mention all the Disney Channel Halloween movies.
Cons: You probably are still lacking a social life.
6. Spending Time w/ Friends-
Pros: Awww, how sweet. Friends are there to remind you that no matter how much you watch Netflix, they will always be there to convince your parents that you still have a social life. Plus doing fun fall activities is especially fun with them.
Cons: This is most likely only bad if your Netflix addiction is taking a dangerous turn. 
7. Carving Pumpkins-
Pros: Carving pumpkins is probably the best thing about fall. Seriously, if it was acceptable to carve pumpkins in July, I probably would.
Cons: Messy. Sticky. Don't be afraid to really get in there and get dirty.
8. Jumping in a Pile of Leaves-
Pros: Whether you are 16 or 86, you should probably be jumping in a pile of leaves. 
Cons: If you are 86, your doctor probably would not recommend this. I support it fully.
9. Growing a beard-
Pros: For all the men out there, No Shave November is approaching. Get those beards ready. 
Cons- I will probably be unable to participate, considering a month of not shaving for me would look like a week for another man.
10. Cuddling-
Pros: Whether it be with your girlfriend, boyfriend, mom, second cousin, or dog, cuddling is a must for the fall season. Get yourself a blanket and someone who isn't afraid to share that blanket and give yourself a nice cuddle. Nothing says fall more than cuddling up and watching a movie (or Netflix).
Cons: Most people appreciate if you shower before they cuddle with you.
I hope that maybe you can use some of my fall favorite to enhance your own fall experience this year.

Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you? Float down, like autumn leaves. -Ed Sheeran, Autumn Leaves

Also check out Erika and I's new Vlog channel on YouTube! Weekly vlogs posted on Sundays!
Thanks for reading and watching!

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